Ecological & Organic
Gardens & LandscapesWellness Landscape Designs – Builds – Maintains environmentally friendly designs that are built to last a lifetime.
• Native plants
• Ecological landscapes
• Edible Gardens
• Fruit Trees
• Orchards and Food Forests
• Certified Permaculture Designer
• Professional
• Craftsmanship
• Attention to detail
• Hardscape
• Non toxic
• Use only organic methods
• Gas free whenever possible
• Child and Pet friendly
• Communication
• Water management
• Reliable

Landscaping ServicesWe’re professionals dedicated to high-quality ecological landscaping.
We use only organic methods so there’s no toxic chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. Besides being eco-friendly, your lawn and gardens are totally child- and pet-friendly as well.
GardensAttractive landscaping can also be productive, delivering deliciously fresh top-quality organically grown vegetables, herbs, and fruits — your own residential culinary garden.

OrchardsFruit trees are a delightful addition to your property. Beyond integrating them into the design and layout of your landscaping, we can take care of them throughout the year with services that include fertilizing, fruit thinning, irrigation, pest management, and harvesting.
IrrigationWe offer Professional irrigation design, installation repair and management services. Here at Wellness Landscape, we are committed to water conservation and view irrigation as the core of all landscape and gardens.

LandscapingEcological landscaping is a holistic endeavor, combining many facets for a sustainable, even regenerative, approach to lawns and gardens. It incorporates biodiversity and water efficiency through the use of a regional plant palette, often combined with popular vegetables, fruits, and herbs arranged for both appearance and productivity. Organic land care builds healthy living soils and grows healthy produce and as part of natural pest management. Our customized designs and installations also include permeable hardscapes (such as patios, walkways, and driveways) for eco-boosting low maintenance environments.
Garden Coaching/
ConsultingEnjoy the planning phase? Want to be more hands-on in self-reliance? We’re happy to consult with you, coaching and helping with plant and crop layout, successional and seasonal planting schedules, pest control, organic methods and soil rehabilitation, water conservation, fruit tree care, and much more.

HarvestingDrought-resistant native plants and rain gardens (slight depressions in ground level to concentrate rainwater), and permeable pavement go a long way in minimizing water use. When you need more for a productive garden or orchard, catchment systems can often meet the need. We create rainwater harvesting systems to capture and store water with harmonious, attractive designs.